Hi Everyone, Happy New Year!

I love the energy of this time of year; I’m always excited to make each year the best yet and 2022 is promising to be killer!🌠

Firstly, a HUGE thank you to all of our wonderful Peas for completely spoiling us instructors this holiday – my goodness! I’ve been snug as a bug in my coats and between chocolates and spa days, we’re all going to struggle to come back to Earth!  The remedy will be our using those dinner gift cards while we cook up big, bad plans for 2022 – whoop! 🙌🏼 

Speaking of…check out https://3peasinapony.com/3-peas-services/ to find out what’s on Phase 1 of the 3 Peas calendar for 2022.  I’ve input only those events whose dates I know and I haven’t yet filled in the gaps with our things, such as: cross-country schools; team trainings (yes, we want those back on the books!); clinics; fun jump days, etc.  So, the calendar will be growing – bookmark this page!

Some upcoming calendar dates of note: THIS Friday (as in two days from today), PC Pony Club is hosting a Dream Board Party at Tally Hofrom 1-3pm, wherein you can get crafty and put all your horsey hopes and dreams out there for the Universe!  Bonus: if there’s anyone who’d like to combine their cutting and pasting with a Progress and Development Meeting with me, I’ll be around to help put words and exercises to those gorgeous vision boards!  Everyone is invited – RSVP to me or to Cara if you’d like to join!!❤️‍🔥

Also keep your eyes peeled for a Free Jump Day, both at North Fields and at Tally Ho.  We’ll set up a chute and we’ll send each horse through the gymnastic so that we can test their wings.  It’s fun to see what the horses can do when they’re not carting us around 🏋🏻‍♀️. If you’re not boarding at either barn, you’re welcome to haul-in.  Each horse will have a 20-30 minute slot – dates TBD.

And the most exciting calendar item: our End of the Year Partyyyy!!! No, I’m not crazy; I’m not hosting it now when covid is cruising around like it owns the place.  But I will not be put on hiatus one.more.year!  So we’re changing our traditional end-of-the-year celebrations and we’re turning them into more of a “Springtime Pep Rally” for 2022 (with, obviously, plenty of homage paid to what was a spectacular year in the rear view).  We’ll call it “Kick on Power Pea; 2022 Hoopla!”  As you might imagine, the set-up will be similar to our traditional event—potluck, slide show, my normal jabberings, and the Peas yearly gift—but it’ll be held outside and no one will be wearing their parkas and snow boots.  Refreshing change?  Possibly!🎉  The date is Saturday, April 9th and stay tuned for the location…weather dependent! ⛅️

Less exciting news, there are a few rules I’ve been asked to reiterate at Tally Ho, so perhaps you can help me share with kiddos.  Here’s the quick and dirty:

  1. Keep doors closed in and out of the warm areas.
  2. Masks while inside and unmounted.
  3. Please help kids remember to have helmets on while catching and tacking horses.
  4. And no going into a horse’s stall/pen without the owner’s consent.

There…that wasn’t too painful, right? 😉

FINALLLLLY, you’ve all been hearing through the grapevine that I’ve been working on a grand Master Schedule for all the Peas at all the various barns. So, I hereby introduce…drumroll please…🥁

{See Kim for the Master Schedule; the online version will be up once modifications are made‼️}

This is likely a first draft because no matter how many hours I’ve spent working on this, I’ve no doubt missed people who want to be on the schedule and accidentally included those who perhaps would rather be a little more relaxed with their lessons.  Nonetheless, take a peek and tell me how I did.  

Some things to notice:

  1. Each instructor has her own color (see the key at the top).
  2. I’ve put those horses on the list who I know need/want to be ridden.  But if you’d like your horse to have a consistent training ride, just let me know.
  3. There is room for maneuverability, so just give me a heads up if your time doesn’t work for you.  And then once we’re up and running with this, there’ll be some open slots in case someone’s in a jam or needs to add an extra ride or lesson.
  4. Instructors may change.  We don’t all leave town at once, so if your instructor is not available, I’ll try to keep the schedule as is but give you another instructor.  And Chloe may pick up some rides or lessons beyond Thursdays, so don’t be surprised if you see her smiling face!🗽

There…is that all?  All for now! Have a great week!