Hey Everyone!
This is our first schooling show of the season and I’m so excited to get OUT!!:)
Here is the list of riders, with the classes I’ve signed you up for.
Katie: 17a, 21a, 22
Mariam: 4a, 5, 7
Sara: 4a, 5, 7
Gani: 1b, 2b, 4b
Lizzie: 1a, 4a, 5
Faith: 13, 17a, 21a, 22
Sarah E: Santiago- 9, 13, 17a
Redd- 9, 11b, 17b
To see the entry form and the classes, go here: http://www.pegasuseventcenter.com/hunterjumper-show. You’ll see that the earlier classes (Mariam, Sara, Gani, and Lizzie) start at 10am and then afternoon classes (Faith, Katie, and Sarah’s boys) are no earlier than noon but they’ll probably start closer to 1pm. Bring a chair and lunch because it’ll be a loooong day!!
Trailering: I’ll take Satine, Hal, and Gani from NF, so Sara, would you like to swing by Creamayre and pick up Lizzie and Gwen and that way Ellie has a trailer buddy? I’m thinking a 7:20 departure to get there at 8:50. Warm-up between 9:15 and 9:30.
Bring an open check with you and you can fill out your release form when you’re there. If you’re under 18 and you’re super on top of it, print it out before-hand and bring it with you with your parent’s signature. Otherwise, if you forget, I can vouch for you!
Wear a collared shirt with your hair tied back and of course…CLEAN TACK!!
See you on Saturday, bright and early!!
February 2025
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Events for February

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Daily each 3 days
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Weekly on Mondays

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Lessons
North Field Stables

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Lessons
North Field Stables

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Daily each 3 days

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Lessons
North Field Stables

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Daily each 3 days

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Weekly on Mondays

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Lessons
North Field Stables

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Daily each 3 days

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Lessons
North Field Stables

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Lessons
North Field Stables

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Daily each 3 days

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Weekly on Mondays

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Lessons
North Field Stables

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Daily each 3 days

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Lessons
North Field Stables

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Daily each 3 days

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Lessons
North Field Stables

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Daily each 3 days
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Weekly on Mondays

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Lessons
North Field Stables

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Lessons
North Field Stables

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Daily each 3 days
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Monthly on 27th

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables
Events for February

8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Private Lessons
North Field Stables

All of the day
Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables

All of the day
Semi-Private Lessons with Court
North Field Stables