Hey all!
Although it’s hard to imagine right now, this weekend at Skyline is meant to be glorious weather with equally glorious horses and riders! ☀️ 🏆
Dressage starts on Friday, with one phase each day through the weekend. If you haven’t yet done so, check out your start times at startboxscoring.com!🤩 We’re heading to the show on Thursday morning and we’ll spend all day schooling horses and prepping for the weekend.
For Thursday, it sounds as though Skyline will be offering schooling jump rounds on a casual basis from 9am through 3pm- yey! However, it’ll be a bit tricky to give y’all specific schooling times on Thursday based because I know everyone’s dodging individual school/work/arrival schedules. So…how about this:
My 3-horse trailer will have:
My 4-horse trailer (with Chris Guymon, 🤞 😁) will have:
Mimi’s trailer will have:
And then we’ll meet Cayenne and Faith there!
My 3-horse trailer will leave at 8am on Thursday because, well, it takes me an eon to do anything and I need all the time I can get once I’m at Skyline 👶. However, The Guymons and my 4-horse trailer may not leave quite so early so if you’re Skye, Brooke, or Elle, I’ll keep you posted on your departure time!
Another note to Zoe and Abi, I’ll take your ponies in my gorgeous new rig, but I’m not taking any of your schtuff 📦 So, either plan to bring your things with you or you can load some items into the grey 4-horse trailer.
1pm-3pm: Show Jumping in the rock arena for those of you who’d like to jump school.
3pm-4:30pm: Dressage lessons for anyone who’d rather work on dressage. Send me a message if this is you!
And the rest of the day and evening will be bathing, braiding, tack cleaning, etc. 🧽
Let me know if you have any questions. Otherwise, we’ll see some of you at Team Training tomorrow!