A few announcements:
Firstly, this is who I have going to the show at Pegasus this Saturday:
Let me know if you’d like to come and you’re not on this list!
Secondly: It’s time to start committing to our Adult Camp at Rolex this year so that we can book hotels and flights!  Please email/text/call rsvp to me by February 11th!
And…I’d like to have A&A Equestrian (currently scheduled for Sat Mar 1-Sun Mar 2) be on the Sunday/Monday instead.  I’ve spoken to many of you and the general consensus was that a Sun/Mon would work, but if not, speak to me and we’ll get you either a later Sat ride or an evening Monday ride.
Lastly, the open date for Galway Downs HT is Feb 11th.  We’ll be going to California about 5 days-week in advance of the show to school and clinic, and then the event.  It’s going to be fun, so let me know if you’d like to join!:)