This event is always fun because Zephyr has a great new facility with a helpful and upbeat staff and an enthusiasm for the sport.  Apparently, I had so much fun that I didn’t keep track of any Peas’ finishing scores- oops!  But at the very least, I’ll share some details on everyone’s rides.  In fact, given that this was one of the final shows of the year, now would be a good time to point out some of the most amazing/most inspiring/most surprising moments of this show, and I’m sure we’ll see some connections to each riders’ entire season:)
Anika was most thrilled about the fact that for the first time…ever…she had an Event Horse on cross-country.  He ran, he jumped, and he ate it up.  Anika has been working hard to set the stage for Zeke’s ‘take over’ and it seemed like this weekend, he finally decided that this is his sport and his job.  I can’t wait to see the two of them next year!
Although Joan and Lola didn’t get to join us for as many shows as they would have liked (boooo!), the most fun thing about this show was that it presented the perfect venue for grasping some difficult concepts: planning, direction, and rider-ship.  It was inspiring to see Joan and Lola have some ‘ah ha’ moments both in schooling and on course, and I can’t wait until we can do more with this.  Well done, ladies:)
Zoe and Timmy rounded out the season nicely: three solid and steady phases.  No surprises, everything planned.  This show was a reward for a diligent and focused summer, and it was so pleasant to watch each partner doing the job that he and she are meant to do.  AAAhhhhhhh…:)
The part that stands out in my mind about Sandy and Essa’s competition was just how proud I am of how far they’ve come.  Sandy and Essa moved up to their first Beginner Novice and although Sandy had some wide eyes at those big fences, and although Essa unseated her rider in all the excitement, the two finished the event jumping every single fence on course.  What big girls they both are!
Finally, a new addition to the crew was Charlotte Dunn and her pony, Captain Jack.  Charlotte and I are just getting to know one another, however I was thrilled to meet such a hard-working pony and a little girl who loves him so much.  I’m looking forward to working with the pair more closely so that they can enter the 2013 season with the limelight they deserve!
And I suppose, I get to mention how Ale schooled cross-country and jumped an entire stadium course.  If there’s anyone who’s excited for new year, it’s ME!!!