Hi Everyone! Happy Monday! ☀️
We’ve got some dates and deadlines coming up, so here’s my shout-out:
The Event at Archer, scheduled for August 20-22 has just opened so get your paperwork in! You can find information here: https://useventing.com/events-competitions/calendar/event?event=17733. Let us know if you need help with paperwork – the horsey office world is still so archaic!👵🏼
Lynnleigh Farm, on the calendar for July 31st, is open this coming Tuesday. I’ve included the entry form at the end of this email. And as always, there are lots of hoops to jump through and many rules and regs, so be sure you read the entry form. 📖🤩🦄
The Daniel Stewart Clinic, August 1-2 is now full. However, this is one of the best clinics for auditors so please, please, please make time to attend. It’ll be at The Scotsman Center in Morgan. I’m sure there’ll be more details and information forthcoming for auditors! 📯
Speaking of clinics, Eileen Galoostian (8008 Long Rifle Rd. in Park City) is hosting a private clinic for Natalia Nenneman this Thursday – Saturday, to which she invited a few of her neighboring Peas. If you’re around and you’d like to come and get your smarts on, join us for some Dressage/Show Jumping education…and you can help set jumps while you’re at it! It’ll be fun!
For those of you interested in touring the new barn in Silver Creek, a tour date is set for this Saturday, July 17th at Noon. The address is 8589 Meadowview Rd., Park City. No need to rsvp to me – just bring your smiling faces! 😀
And finally, a huge congratulations to the Park City Pony Clubbers recently returning from Camp and Rally in Boise. What talented equestrians we have in our group – Ms. Cara raved about what exceptional horsewomen they were all weekend!💝
That’s all for now – have a wonderful day!! 🌈