How is it possible that kids are already going back to school? Holy 🐄. No doubt you’re already feeling the buzz of the fall, but here, let me go ahead and add to your Activities Calendar 😉
Firstly, I’d love to get everyone back on Cross-Country- we need to get some practice in! We have The Event at Archer approaching, next weekend in Cheyenne, WY, and then even though we’ll school XC at Golden Spike the Thursday, September 9th before The Pumpkin Event on the 11th, everyone who wants to school XC beforehand is invited! So…next Monday, August 16th, we’re heading to Skyline for Cross-Country Schooling.
It’ll be an all day affair so please RSVP to me if you’d like to be on the lesson list and if you have any time restraints, I’ll try to work around you!
Speaking of The Event at Archer, it sounds as though it has extended it’s closing date, giving those of you who haven’t entered a chance to do so. If you haven’t been to Archer, it’s a well-run event with a gorgeous cross-country course!! And for those of you who are coming with us to Cheyenne next week, there are several trailer spots open, which means you don’t have to haul if you don’t want to – yey!! So if you’re planning to haul your own two-horse trailer and you’d rather just drive your passenger car (with your windows down and the music blaring, like you just don’t care! 🎶 🤩), then get in touch with me and I can get everyone car-pooling. We’re saving gas and energy!!
For The Pumpkin Event, the word on the street is that it’s full! 😬 I’m sorry to those of you who wanted to enter but who didn’t get in on time – my horse didn’t either! But certainly, it doesn’t hurt to get your name on the waitlist; there are always lots of changes happening prior to an event and that can definitely work in your favor!
Given that you may miss your shot at The Pumpkin this year, consider signing up for the Lynnleigh Farm 2-Phase on August 28th, provided that you’re not already swimming and running with the Pony Clubbers at Tetrathalon in Oakley, August 28-29th! 🏊♀️. Peas will be in both places that weekend: I’ll be coaching at Lynnleigh on Saturday while Sara and Cara are at Tetrathalon, and then I’ll get to play with the Tetrathalon group on Sunday. 🏃♀️ If you’d like to sign up for Lynnleigh Farm, the secretary posted on Facebook to say that she’d have the entry form available on Tuesday (today), buttttt…no sign of it just yet. So, I’ll ask everyone to keep an eye on the “Lynnleigh Farms Happenings” page on Facebook; the open date for this event will be a few days after the secretary posts the entry! 📑
Another open date to consider is that The Event at Skyline, scheduled for September 17-19th is now OPEN! Get your entries in!🌟💫 As always, yodel at me if you need help filling in your entry form. Here’s where you’ll find the details for this event:
Later on in the fall, would any of you have interest in participating in a Land Safe Clinic, hosting by Eileen Galoostian at Alamo Farm? This is a revolutionary program designed to teach riders how to fall in a way that saves lives and reduces injury. We want to be safe and we want our sport to be safe, and education is KEY!!!! Check out their webpage at The approximate cost would be around $350 and dates would be somewhere between October 24th and 31st. Let me know asap if you have interest and let’s try to make this happen!!!
Finally, two non-calendar announcements (phew! 😅):
Phoebe Hailey is selling a wheeled cart for a muck bucket, to take to shows. If you’re sick of schlepping your muck bucket while you’re tugging on a piece of twine, then maybe this cart has your name on it! Contact Phoebe: 435-901-0413
And, the most exciting: CONGRATULATIONS to The Hackett/Ramsey Family on their purchase of the adorable Lavender!💜 Lilah and Lavender have already begun their adventures together and boy, they’re going to be quite the pair. We are so happy for these two and we can’t wait to watch their partnership blossom! 🌺
Ok, I think that’s it! Ready, set, back to work!