Hey everyone!
Ok, here’s the revised XC schedule- I got it just a hair later!!
1:30-2:45: Lily, Skye, Parker, Katie
2:45-3:45: Bianca, Elle, Erika
3:45-5: Liv, Cayenne, Cara + May, Faith
5-5:45: Heidi, Abi
5:45-6:45: Courtney, Xanthe, Lucy (with Kim)
5:45-6:30: Grace L. and Grace W. (With Cara).
A HUGE thanks to those of you who volunteered to haul horses- we can’t do it without you! Here’s the trailering schedule:
Cara’s trailer: Hero, May, Lavender
Kim’s trailer: Atlas, Pete, Cotton, Daisy
Beth’s trailer: Molly, Harper, Balou
Sarah T.’s trailer pulled by *Summer*: Cash and Max
Sara Windley’s trailer pulled by *Chris Guymon*: Hamilton and Woody
I’m thinking that with so many trailers going, I’ll leave it up to you all individually when you’d like to leave the barn. Reach out to me if you need contacts for any of the horses/owners you’re hauling, or if I can help organize ☎️ . And for Summer and Chris, we’ll chat and we’ll get your rigs squared away!✅
As for those in my trailer, I’m going to pull out of the barn at 11am, so make sure you’re at the barn by 10:30 to get your pony loaded!
As for the rest of the show:
Thursday evening the horses will stay at the show. I’ll contact the show secretary and make sure that we all have stalls for Thursday evening. But you know the routine: if you’re not planning on staying in the area for Thursday and Friday night, you’ll want to make sure that you have a friend/teammate who’ll take care of your horse. This will include feeding, watering, and walking (and just generally keeping an eye out! 👀). If you need help finding help, or if you’re interested in being recruited, just let me know!
For Friday, the morning tends to be pretty quiet, so take advantage of the rest and relaxation! Orrrr…maybe you’re going to school?🤷🏻♀️ Activities won’t start until midday/1pm. I’ll be taking dressage lessons for anyone who’d like to school dressage; see me if you’d like to sign up for a time! And if you’re planning on schooling SJ, the secretary will post the schooling windows, which will likely start somewhere around 3pm/4pm.
Then, you’ll bathe your horse, clean your tack, take care of your stall, and all the other shenanigans that keep us so busy when we’re showing!!!
Don’t forget: Bring your own food/beverages/coolers; camping chairs; plenty of sunscreen and cool clothing; and don’t forget a hay bag and two five gallon buckets (with hangers) for your horses! 💦 For yourselves, you’ll want to make sure you either have or are borrowing a XC vest and that you have a pinny holder (which you can probably also borrow if you need!)
Am I forgetting anything? Let me know if you have any questions or challenges!! Giddy up, Pumpkin! 🎃