I know that my Event Result posts aren’t as regular as you (and I) wish they were, but I thought that the myriad of 3 Peas successes at this weekend’s Pumpkin Event ought not to go unnoticed:)
The 2013 Pumpkin was a first for many, and here are a few of our ‘firsts’:
Sara and Jeffery competed at the Grasshopper level and ended in a very respectable 5th place.  And while Jeffery is quickly becoming a travel/competition veteran (and we’re all getting used to seeing him so attentive, focused, and quiet), Jeffery jumped some of his first big boy, Beginner Novice XC fences without even batting an eyelash.  He has scope and a work ethic, so he’ll be quite a force to be reckoned with in the upcoming months!:)
Rick Walterson proved his stuff on his horse, Bones, this weekend.  While Bones struggled to deal with a bit of separation anxiety, Rick stuck to his guns and continued his role as driver, rider, and authority figure, and they had the dressage test to show for it!  This was Rick and Bones’ first time away from home and the herd and Rick handled it like a seasoned competitor.  Well done!
Karen‘s horse, Bonita, is relatively new to the Walterson Family and this was Karen’s first show experience with her cute mare.  Bonita jumped beautifully, Karen rode her plan, and she only grabbed a teensy bit of mane in the process.  Karen is learning to trust both her pony and her own abilities in the saddle- yeah!
This was the first ever Horse Trials for Annie Holbrook and she had the privilege of riding her newly acquired, Harley (the horse, not the motorcycle).  Annie became familiar with many new feelings this wekeend: how comfortable you can feel on the back of a horse you trust; how early you have to wake up at a horse show; and how it’s possible to override nerves in order to access your besssst ride! Great job, Annie!
For Mavis and Hero, the course at The Pumpkin certainly isn’t new.  However, after a stumble in show jumping warm-up, Mavis found a new drive, new intention, to do her part and to get the job done.  And…she certainly did that!  The pair ended up in 5th place in the Novice division after a very well-planned show jumping and a trouble-free cross-country.  You can’t ask for more than that- way to go!:)
Kellie and Toby found a new rhythm at their first ever Novice Horse Trials.  The pair has been working really hard at Beginner Novice and now that the jumps require increased thought and effort, the pieces are beginning to fall into place.  Kellie and Toby finished in 2nd place in their division.  Congratulations, you two!!:)
Brooke‘s horse, Moon, loves strutting his stuff.  And he’s never too embarrassed to show that he knows what he’s doing.  However, sometimes Brooke has to remind him that she’s in charge.  I’m pleased to say that Brooke did exactly that at this event!  Brooke had a plan to keep her horse balanced and attentive, and Moon certainly reaped the rewards; he was solid in dressage, jumped perfectly, and ended with a 3rd place in the Junior Grasshopper division.  I’m so proud of them!
For Maddy and Susan Helier, they get lots of ‘firsts’ at this show.  Maddy and her horse, Brava, had their first Beginner Novice, their first completed cross-country, and Maddy’s first real gut-busting, foot-stomping, fire-breathing ride!  I’m so proud of how hard she rode and she never gave up, and she and Brava ended in 5th place in Beginner Novice!  Susan’s firsts are just as numerous: a first show on Dime; a first maneuvering the crazy warm-up and all the distractions that come with it; and a first completing all three phases of our beloved sport.  Susan can officially call herself an Event Rider- she crossed the finish line!:)  Oh, and need I say: this was the first time that this mother/daughter combo got to play together…complete with matching horses and matching outfits!
This weekend consisted of the first time Bajian and her horse, Reef, have ever ‘jumped so big’.  The funny thing is that these two made it look easy; they made it look like they’ve been doing it forever.  Bajian stuck to her job, Reef found the confidence he needed to get busy doing his job, and the pair ended up with a pretty 4th place ribbon at their first ever Beginner Novice!  This is just the beginning for this couple; I’m looking forward to see what they will accomplish in the future.
Anika and Zeke are well on their way to stardom!  After a fantastic showing at Golden Spike HT in June, Zeke returned to Ogden with the experience and the confidence to jump forward, big, and clean.  They finished their Pumpkin weekend in 4th place in the Beginner Novice division and it’s only going to be a matter of time before they get to take their skills to the next level.  Atta way!
After many days, weeks, and months improving their Beginner Novice game, Zoe and Timmy were ready to show off their stuff at their long-awaited Novice and they definitely showed it!  This was a first Novice for the two of them and after battling some line and some canter issues schooling the day before, they nailed every phase the following day and ended in 9th place.  Wow, what an accomplishment for these two:)