Thursday’s XC schooling at The Chicken!

  Here are XC times for Thursday!  For those who requested it, I tried to put everyone as late in the day as I could.  However, if it’s not late enough, let me know and I can try and switch you with someone from another group!  See you then! 12:15-1:15: Mary and...

Skyline Take Two! 🎞

Here’s the schedule for Sunday at Skyline! Yippee!! Let me know if you have any conflict!⌚️ 11-12: Em 12-1: Azlan 1-2: Max, Georgia 2-3:30: Elle, Grace, Taylor, Lavender 3:30-4:45: Brooke, Xanthe, Sunny 4:45-6:15: Mary, Cayenne, Abby M,...

Welcome to our family!!!❤️❤️

We’ve had a BUSY few months- whew! Adding to the excitement, we have had five lucky girls welcoming wonderful new partners over the winter. Congratulations to Sunny, Baylee, Brooke, Alex, and Taylor and here’s the official introduction to their new friends: Stax, a...

Barb Crabo this weekend- whoop whoop!!

Hey Everyone! Here are ride times (and other pertinent information) for our clinic this weekend.  We are SO excited to have Barb back with us; has it seriously been over a year since we played with her last??  If anyone has any conflicts or challenges with this...