It wouldn’t be the end of August without the Great American Pumpkin Event!  As always, this event is the most fun because all the Peas get together to ride, cheer, party, and generally have a good time.  The 2012 Pumpkin was no exception!  To fill you in on all the shenanigans, I’ll run down the list of results and you can congratulate each rider and her horse individually!
Mavis and Lisa led the team not only competing in the Novice Division, but by doing so incredibly successfully.  Lisa and Nito ended on the fab dressage score of 36.0, including two equally fabulous jumping phases, to take home 3rd place.  Nito and Lisa’s daughter, Hannah, have been working tirelessly on their dressage and Lisa got to have all the fun with it as they sailed through the weekend.  I’m so proud!
Mavis and Hero may not be strangers to the Golden Spike course, but they have their own challenges and this weekend, they both faced their demon and completed a double clear round on cross-country!  Not only did they not have any refusals, but they galloped around without incurring any time faults (insert big smile).  Although the two picked up a rail in show jumping, they ended with a gorgeous 7th place ribbon.  Well done!
In the Beginner Novice Division, Zoe and Timmy started the day with a stellar dressage test- their best to date.  They picked up one stop in show jumping after starting the round a little distracted, but finished their show jumping with a bang.  And, as I had hoped, they continued ‘the bang’ onto cross-country where they galloped around perfectly and even had some fun while they were doing it!  As a result, Zoe has added another beautiful 7th place ribbon to Timmy’s shining collection:)
Sandy/Essa and Anika/Zeke competed in the Sr. Grasshopper division and they really gave the competition a run for its money.  Both of these fabulous riders came out of dressage in second (Anika) and third (Sandy) and they zipped right through stadium and cross-country without incurring a single penalty point.  I’m very proud to congratulate Anika and Zeke on a final score of 41.3 and 2nd place, and Sandy and Essa on a final score of 44.4 and 3rd place.  These two pairs remind us that regardless of the level at which you and your horse are competing, it is both a challenge and an honor to finish a horse trials on your dressage score.  So…killer job!
And our final competitor for the weekend was Maddy Helier, who rode her horse, Dime, to a perfect event.  Although there was an unfortunate misunderstanding with the event staff and Maddy did not finish with recording scores, the two would have ended in 2nd place in the Jr. Grasshopper division as a result of a gorgeous dressage test and foot-perfect jump rounds.  It’s hard to be so perfect, isn’t it??
After a long day, it was nice to unwind back at camp with out traditional Highs/Lows game.  What a great day!  A big thanks to Mike Makely, Debi Clark, Kris Hansen, Hannah Hunsaker, Marcus Castro, Jamey Parks and all the other Peas who jumped in to support us- we can’t do it without you!!