by castrokimberley | May 11, 2018 | Student Blog, Uncategorized
Good morning, everyone! Ride times are set for Lynnleigh, and it looks like tomorrow is going to be a pretty fun day! If you haven’t yet seen your time, be sure to check out We’re going to be leaving the barn bright and early tomorrow, at 6:15am!...
by castrokimberley | May 1, 2018 | Student Blog, Uncategorized
Show season has begun- it’s Skyline this weekend!😁😁 We’re leaving the barn first thing Thursday morning, at 7:30am! Here are the trailers: My trailer: Hal, Gigi, Atlas, and Flynn Sara’s trailer: Georgia, Balou, Betty We’ll arrive at the show around...
by castrokimberley | Apr 19, 2018 | Student Blog, Uncategorized
Hey all! We’re jumping ALLLL the things on Saturday- I hope you’re excited!! Here’s trailering: I’m going to haul Ahdena’s trailer with Moon and Gigi, and we’ll leave NF at 9am. The other two trailers will leave the barn (promptly) at 11am: Ahdena will haul my...
by castrokimberley | Apr 11, 2018 | Just For Fun, Student Blog, Uncategorized
Hey all!! We’re going to go and play on Skyline’s cross-country course- yippee!!! This Saturday, the 14th, I have the following riders: 10-11:30: Jillian, Lily, Zoe, Katie 11:30-12:30ish: Redwood, Mary S. Lunch 1:15-2:45: Casey, Micaela, Mimi 2:45-4:15: Ahdena,...
by castrokimberley | Mar 27, 2018 | Just For Fun, Student Blog, Uncategorized
Hi Everyone! I think I remembered everyone and their time commitments. However, let’s consider this the first draft and if anyone sees an error, or if you’re set up in a time slot that you can’t make, please let me know! Friday: 12-1: Ahdena, Sara 1-2:30: Jan,...
by castrokimberley | Feb 27, 2018 | Just For Fun, Student Blog, Uncategorized
Hey everyone! I’m so looking forward to our first jump clinic of the season, not to mention the excitement of raising funds for The Event at Archer- yippee!! Here are ride times. I tried to accommodate all scheduling issues but let me know if I missed anything:...